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M3 Git 설치 (MAC 깃 설치) / HomeBrew 설치

HomeBrew 설치




The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux).


  • terminal을 킨다 . [finder(⌘cmd + space) -> terminal]
  • 링크에 있는 명령어 복붙한다.
  • 맥 password 를 입력한다.
Warning: /opt/homebrew/bin is not in your PATH.
  Instructions on how to configure your shell for Homebrew
  can be found in the 'Next steps' section below.
==> Installation successful!


  • 위와 같은 warning이 발생했지만 해결책도 같이 알려준다.
==> Next steps:
- Run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:
    (echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/[USER_NAME]/.zprofile
    eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
- Run brew help to get started
- Further documentation:


  • 아래 두 명령어를 차례대로 입력한다
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/[USER_NAME]/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
  • 제대로 깔렸는지 버전을 확인한다.
brew --version



Git 설치하기



Git - Downloading Package

Download for macOS There are several options for installing Git on macOS. Note that any non-source distributions are provided by third parties, and may not be up to date with the latest source release. Choose one of the following options for installing Git


  • 터미널에서 아래 명령어를 입력한다.
 brew install git
  • 잘 깔렸는지 버전을 확인한다.
git --version


- 끝 -